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Australia – Private Flying

Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has recently introduced its Protocol for Type 1 Diabetic Pilot Applicants which can be found here: http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/avmed/download/casainsulinprotocol.pdf
Under this Protocol, which is similar to that which has been in operation in the US for many years - but with significant differences - an eligible applicant may be issued with a Class 2 Medical Certificate which allows private flying with a safety pilot. Upon satisfactory completion of fifteen such flights the safety pilot restriction may be removed after favourable assessment of the applicant's in-flight blood glucose data by CASA, thereafter permitting solo flight.

Prior to this system being introduced, in Australia pilots could only fly privately with a safety pilot until Roger Serong gained the right to fly solo in 2006 as a result of an Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/aat/2006/1123.html whereby he became the first licensed T1 private pilot to be permitted to fly solo. The approval specified conditions based on the FAA Protocol and Roger has since flown over 700 hours with T1, 400 hours of which has been solo. Roger may be contacted on rogerserong@gmail.com for further information.

Also in Australia, pilots can fly recreational aircraft (formerly called ultralights) without an aviation medical certificate, but they must certify that they are fit enough to hold a driver's licence. Recreational aircraft, which are administered by Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus), are limited to a MTOW of 600kg, one passenger, day VFR and are restricted as to where they may be flown.

Article by Roger Serong who flies solo in Australia.


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